Carxofa Music | Music for Video Games

Music Packs

High-quality Music Packs ready for your video game. All music packs contains:

  • Original tracks (WAV 44.1kHz 16 bit, loop seamless)
  • Alternatives mixes
  • Stems for each track with the instruments grouped by families (keys, guitars, etc…)
  • Multitracks with all the instruments, allowing you to rearrange them to your taste and create a new track, or enabling you to create adaptive and interactive music.
  • A file with all the information of each track (BPM, key, duration, time signature, etc)

Cute Acoustic Music Pack

These tracks are perfect casual games with a cute and cozy aesthetic, such as adventures, puzzle games, platformers, and simulations.

Dark and Dystopian Music Pack

Tracks great for action games in a dystopian worlds, dark fantasy games, futuristic-themed games, etc…

Custom Music

From epic orchestral themes to atmospheric ambient soundscapes, a musical score will elevate your game to the next level.

If you are looking for an indie game music composer I would be delighted to work with you on the music for your game. Contact me to explore working together.


Tutorials to get the most out of music packs and learn to work with adaptive and interactive music.

about me


Carxofa is an artichoke in catalan and my artistic name when I’m working on video games music.

I’m an indie game music composer based in Barcelona, and I work on a freelance basis with indie game studios and indie game developers.

If you need a freelance composer for your project, contact me now.